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How To Turn a Summer Associate Role into A Full Time Offer

Landing a summer associate position at a law firm is a great first step towards securing an offer for a full-time associate position after graduation.  There are, however, no guarantees that a summer position will turn into a post-graduate offer; you need to be focused and intentional about your summer performance to earn the offer.  Here are some actions you can take a summer associate to get you toward that goal. 

  1. Understand the odds

Keep in mind that not every summer associate receives or accepts a full-time offer. Statistics vary by firm size and market conditions. Typically, 50-90% of summer associates get permanent offers. So, while the odds may be in your favor, you still need to do well to earn the job. Go into your firm’s summer program determined to be one of the people who does get an offer.

  1. Request meaningful and varied assignments

Don’t wait to be given work. Proactively communicate with partners, associates, and/or summer assignment coordinators about the types of projects and deals you want to work on. Gain exposure to those practice areas that interest you. Seek assignments that will allow you to demonstrate your research, writing, and critical thinking abilities. \

  1. Manage deadlines and communication

Even if the work hours are more relaxed over the summer, treat every assignment seriously and professionally.  Be responsive in phone and email communications, even in the evenings. Submit work by or ahead of deadlines. If you need an extension on the deadline for an assignment or require clarification, request it prior to the deadline. Develop a reputation for being highly competent, organized, and conscientious right away.

  1. Network internally

Get to know the lawyers you work with as well as others at the firm. Ask to have coffee meetings or try and schedule lunches with these lawyers during the summer program to express your interest in their work and hear about their career trajectories.  Ask thoughtful, engaging questions. Offer assistance on their ongoing projects. Build relationships at all levels – from first year associates to senior partners.

  1. Demonstrate genuine interest

Going through the motions just to have a law firm name on your resume won’t cut it. Show authentic interest by finding out about any new developments at the firm or in your practice area of interest.  Attend optional networking events and meetings. Read up on your practice area. Follow industry news and ask informed questions. Offer ideas where appropriate.  By engaging in some of these actions, you will come  across as someone who really wants to be a part of the firm long-term.

  1. Seek feedback regularly

As part of the summer associate program, you will likely have  mid-summer and end-of-summer feedback sessions. However, that doesn’t preclude you from asking the attorneys you work with for feedback after you turn in an assignment.  Take feedback constructively; implement the advice as soon as possible and enhance the quality of your work. 

  1. Express interest directly

As mentioned previously, show your Throughout the summer, you want your work performance to be solid and enthusiasm for the firm in the to be  As the end of summer nears, schedule time with your law firm mentor(s) and share your strong interest in receiving a full-time offer, if that is indeed the case.

Above all, enjoy your summer associate experience and make the most of every opportunity!  

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