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Technology Detox & Refresher for 2017

It seems as if 2016 was a year of curve balls, hoops, and leaps for everyone. Despite the many events of 2016, we should take some time to refresh and start anew in 2017. The first start to refresh your life is to do a little tech detox. We are all fairly attached to our smart devices, and often put off doing a little technology clean up. Here, you will find a number of tips you can use to start 2017 with a fresh palette:

Delete old text messages: Did you know that you can set up an option for your phone to delete old texts? On your iPhone, if you go to Setting, Messages, and scroll to Message History, you can change the settings for your phone to delete old messages automatically. This way, you save space in your phone. You should delete your old voicemails while  you’re at it.

Unfriend and Unfollow: Do you have a friend, news page, or fan page you find annoying or does not interest you anymore? We all have them, and now is a time when you should either unfollow or mute that person or page. On Facebook, you can even tailor your page to show more or less of specific people. That way, you can see exactly what you want to see.

Update your apps: The “Remind Me Later” option is sometimes a default reaction for a number of us. However, some updates have great, new security upgrades, and better functionality on your phone or computer.

Password Keeper: Are you one of those people who have a ton of  passwords to keep up with. It’s often not safe to keep the same password for your Facebook, Twitter, bank account and credit card accounts either. The best way to keep your information secure is to update your passwords every couple of months, but that can be tedious to remember. To save yourself another “Forgotten Password” click, download a password manager app like 1Password or LastPass. They secure your passwords in one location, making things easier on you.

Email VIPs: Have you ever had an important email get lost in a number of threads throughout the day? Now, you don’t have to miss a beat when you set up email VIPs in your phone. These messages will be marked with a star, and you get a notification when the email comes through. This option can be accessed through iPhone.

Unsubscribe: While we are on the topic of emails, unsubscribe from all those newsletters you do not read. This will cut down on the number of lost emails you might have had in the past, and less bulk on your inbox.  They have an app to help you unsubscribe too!

Backup your information: Having your software, phone, or computer crash can be a big inconvenience, but it is even more inconvenient when you have not backed your information. For photos on your phone, we love using DropBox and Google Photos to back up the memories. If you haven’t already, buy an external hard drive to backup your computer. To be even more safe, set a reminder to sync your information every month or so.

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