Finding a job post-law school graduation can be a challenge. Since the recession, the legal job market has been at an all-time low, which has been making it harder for recent graduates to find employment. According to statistics, roughly 2 out of 5 law graduates in 2011 were unable to find full-time employment in their field after graduating.
On the bright side, Brooklyn Law School is hoping to alleviate the stress of finding a job for its recent graduates. In July, the school unveiled its new program called the “Bridge to Success”. This new program will refund students 15% of their tuition if they are unable to find employment within 9 months post-graduation.
Brooklyn Law School’s “Bridge to Success”
The “Bridge to Success” wants to ensure that all hardworking students will avoid having financial insecurity once they enter the workforce. Feeling financially insecure can add a great deal of stress to recent graduates in an already high stress situation. The 15% of the total tuition costs equals up to about $20,000 refunded to the students. This is a large sum of worry-free money, especially for those who are unemployed and unable to pay their loans.
There is a requirement in order to qualify for the program. The student must prove good faith effort of finding a job, take the bar exam (passing is not required), and work closely with the school’s career center. According to Brooklyn Law School’s president, Nicholas W. Allard, the program was established to help alleviate the pressure off of some students, and encourage them to not settle for any job just to pay for living expenses and pay back loans. The school’s counseling will push them toward finding fulfilling careers.
The Critics
On the other hand, critics view the “Bridge to Success” program as a band aid, trying to cover a broken legal-education system. Critics have critiqued the nation’s legal system for years now, and voiced how the curriculum needs to be changed, especially in a post-recession economy. In contrast, Brooklyn Law School makes it clear they this is a temporary fix to an ongoing problem that needs a long term solution.
In the end, the “Bridge to Success” will hopefully encourage prospective student to enroll, and keep current students in class. Knowing the school is here to help its student find employment post-graduation and ease their financial burden is enough encouragement to keep some students around for the long haul.
What do you think of Brooklyn Law School’s “Bridge to Success” program? How do you think it can be improved? Do you think other schools will adopt similar programs for its students?