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Google+ for Attorneys

Last week we discussed how to refine your social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. Today, we are looking at the happy medium between professional networking and social networking, Google+.  Google+ is the next frontier for attorneys and law firms looking to expand their social media presence. Here are a few tips to make the most out of your Google+ account:

1. Post blogs and professional resources. Because Google+ is a Google product, Google+ will play directly into your Google search rankings. Posting blogs and resources will help establish you as an authority for your practice area or specialty, helping you stay on top of the search results. While this may seem laborious, establishing credibility will not be as difficult since competition is lower on Google+ than on other social media outlets and more friendly towards potential clients.

2. Use Google Circles to connect with local clients and other attorneys. Google Circles will help you direct the most salient information and resources to your clients and build a rapport. It will also make it even easier for them to contact you now that Google Places is integrated with Google+.

3. Connect your account to your website or LinkedIn. Linking your account to your website is both a long-term marketing investment and great way to encourage interaction with clients. Plus, it will help you improve your search rankings and make you eligible to use Google+ Direct Connect.

Google+ is becoming a strategic marketing and networking tool that attorneys must invest in to stay competitive in the market. While it will take a little time and effort to develop a reputable account, it will undoubtedly payoff.

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